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Vote-by-Mail Voting

You may have received notice that you did not sign your vote-by-mail envelope when you returned it. We have a form that allows you to provide your signature if you did not sign your vote-by-mail envelope.
Download the unsigned ballot statement ►

Download the unsigned ballot statement - Provisional ► Download the combined signature verification and unsigned identification envelope statement ►


You may have received notice that your signature on your vote-by-mail envelope did not match your signature on file. We have a form that allows you to verify the signature of your vote-by-mail envelope is correct.
Download the signature verification statement ►

Download the combined signature verification and unsigned identification envelope statement ►

You can track your vote-by-mail ballot and check the returned status of your vote-by-mail ballot.
Check the status of my vote-by-mail ballot ►

If a voter needs a replacement vote-by-mail ballot, the voter may apply in writing for a vote-by-mail ballot to be provided to the voter’s representative.
Click here to download the Application to Provide Vote-By-Mail Ballot to Representative ►

If you need a replacement vote-by-mail ballot for any reason, please click below to continue. You will first be asked to verify your voter information, then complete a simple form online.
Request a replacement ballot ►

Beginning in 2020, every voter in Orange County will receive a vote-by-mail ballot. To learn more about the changes coming to Orange County including Vote Center voting, visit our Vote Center section of the website.
Learn more about Vote Centers in Orange County ►

Our instructions describe in detail the rules and laws surrounding vote-by-mail voting.  It is important for you to read these instructions for completing and returning your vote-by-mail ballot.
Read vote-by-mail ballot instructions ►

Our instructions describe in detail the rules and laws surrounding vote-by-mail voting.  It is important for you to read these instructions for completing and returning your vote-by-mail ballot.
View vote-by-mail instructions for military/overseas voters ►