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What's Left to Process

*IMPORTANT DISCLAIMER: Ballot estimates will expand as eligible ballots (mailed on or before Election Day) are received via USPS and ballots deposited in official drop boxes (prior to 8PM on Election Night) are received and processed.

Note: These estimates were prepared based on averages and will be adjusted following additional detailed sorting.

Last Update: 3/5/2025 5:00 P.M.


Estimate of Ballots Left to Process
Click here to see an estimate of the total ballots left to process. 

Vote-by-mail Ballots received on or before Election Day via mail left to process
Click here to see an estimate of vote-by-mail ballots left to process. 

Ballots Returned at Drop Boxes Left to Process
Click here to see an estimate of ballots returned at drop boxes left to process.

Duplicated Ballots Left to Process
Click here to see ballots that require duplication left to process. 

*Eligible Vote-by-Mail Ballots Received After Election Day Left to Process
Click here to see an estimate of eligible vote-by-mail ballots received after Election Day left to process. These numbers can fluctuate, and reflect eligible vote-by-mail ballots received up to 72 hours after Election Day.

Conditional Voter Registrations Left to Process
Click here to see an estimate of eligible conditional voter registrations left to process. These numbers include voters who registered and voted after the close of registration. 

*Final Drop Box Pickup Ballots Left to Process
Click here to see an estimate of ballots collected on the final drop box pickup route left to process.

RAVBM Ballots Left to Process
Click here to see an estimate of remote access vote-by-mail ballots left to process.