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Orange County's Voting Tip of the Day: Time running out? Mail your ballot by Election Day

June 2, 2016 - Here's an important news flash - a new law in California allows voters to mail their ballot on Election Day. In the past, ballots had to be received "on or before" 8 p.m. on Election Night. Now, voters running late, can drop their ballot in the mail on Election Day and it will still count. An important caveat - it must be postmarked (or dated) on or before Election Day, and received in our office via mail delivery, within 3 days (by Friday, June 10, 2016) in order to be counted. So, if you can't mail it before June 7th, or you can't drop it off at one of our 1,052 polling places, then look for that friendly blue mailbox and drop it in - happy voting!