Election NewsClicks
Behind the Scenes
of Orange County Elections

November 11, 2016 - Although we have messaged this quite a bit it's worth repeating - Election Day is actually Election Month in California. With a record 19 million voters (the most in the country) California recently extended the time required to certify an election from 28 to 30 days. Why? Because of the volume - compare us with another state, such as Hawaii, and you'll understand the differences. Hawaii has 3 days to certify compared to 30 days in California - the sheer volume of ballots makes all of the difference.
We ended up with 424,397 ballots left to count (compared to half that number in 2012) - with the majority of this coming from Election Day itself. Voters have dramatically changed the way they vote - from weeks before via mail to dropping off their ballot on Election Day. Processing ballots is not just "counting" ballots - it involves multiple steps - all set forth in years worth of laws - that adds time to each ballot. Look for additional info soon on how long it actually takes to process a single ballot.