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2nd Risk-Limiting Audit to be Conducted in Orange County, CA

2nd Risk-Limiting Audit to be Conducted in Orange County, CA

2nd risk-limiting audit being conducted to ensure that all ballots identified, and included in the final tally, are audited.

SANTA ANA, CA - Orange County will conduct a second risk-limiting audit beginning Thursday, June 28, 2018. The second ballot polling audit is not required under California law and is being conducted as an additional pilot to refine our approaches to risk-limiting audits.

Our first risk-limiting audit was conducted on June 11, 2018 and included ballots identified during the random selection. Despite the success of the first audit, we were unable to include all ballots since ballot counting was still underway. This follow up audit will identify a second random batch and will be comprised of ballots that were included in the final tally - ensuring a full and complete risk-limiting audit was conducted.

The risk-limiting audit is a procedure that provides strong statistical evidence that the election outcome is correct, or has a high probability of correcting an outcome that wouldn't match a full hand count of the ballots. The audit itself requires human beings to examine and verify more ballots in close contests and fewer ballots in contests with wider margins.


  • Thursday, June 28, 2018 - 10:00am (random seed selected by the rolling of 10-sided die)


  • Registrar of Voters, 1300 South Grand Avenue, Building C, Santa Ana, CA


  • Once the random seed is established the physical pulling of the actual ballots will take place and the manual hand count will begin.


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Thông Tin về Sở Ghi Danh Cử Tri:
Sở Ghi Danh Cử Tri chịu trách nhiệm cho việc tiến hành các cuộc bầu cử ở Quận Orange, là khu vực có thẩm quyền pháp lý về bầu cử lớn thứ năm trong toàn Hoa Kỳ với khoảng 1.8 triệu cử tri đã ghi danh. Chúng tôi là cơ quan của Quận, là nơi nhận hỗ trợ từ Quỹ Tổng Quát của Quận và các khoản bồi hoàn định kỳ từ chính quyền liên bang, Tiểu Bang California và các khu vực có thẩm quyền pháp lý địa phương. Xem thêm >>

Liên Hệ Truyền Thông:
Enedina Chhim
Quản Lý Tiếp Cận Cộng Đồng
[email protected]


Sở Ghi Danh Cử Tri Quận Orange

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