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Behind the Scenes
of Orange County Elections

We've Assigned Letters to Measures for the June Primary

March 14, 2016 - Today Registrar of Voters Neal Kelley assigned letters to the local measures that will appear on the June 7, 2016 Primary Election ballot. The measures and assigned letters are:

  • Establish County Ethics Commission to Enforce County Campaign Finance and Ethics Rules 
  • Require Fiscal Impact Statement for Any Countywide Measure Placed on the Ballot
  • Irvine Unified School District School Facilities Improvement District No. 1 General Obligation Bond
  • Limiting the Number of Terms Served by a Member of the Orange Unified School District Governing Board 
  • Dana Point – 2015 Town Center Initiative 
  • Dana Point – Town Center and Public Parking Improvement 

Complete measure documents can be found on the June Primary Measures pages of our website.