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Behind the Scenes
of Orange County Elections

Tracking a ballot through the military postal system? We're working on that!

April 15, 2016 - We are proud to be working with the Council of State Governments and the Federal Voting Assistance Program on a pilot project to track military ballots through the USPS and militatry postal system (and back). Why is this important? Members of the military are sent their ballots starting at 60-days before an election. Currently they can track their ballot up to the USPS, but not through the military postal system. This project will allow, a sailor for instance, to track their ballot from our office through the USPS on to their ship and back to our office (and ultimate tally of their vote). This can be viewed on our website and will give confidence to our service men and women that their vote was counted. We will be going live with this project prior to the General Election in November - current testing is going well and we are excited to be involved with this important project.