Election NewsClicks
Behind the Scenes
of Orange County Elections

November 13, 2016 - Signature checking on vote-by-mail ballots that were dropped off at polling places, or mailed on Election Day, will begin to wrap up early this coming week. We have approximately 15,000 left to process in preparation for signature review. There are about 30,000 that have been opened and are being prepared for scanning, and we have scanned an additional 46,000 ballots on Saturday.
There are still a large number of vote-by-mail ballots (that were dropped off on Election Day) that are in the category of damaged (torn), or that need duplication due to extraneous marks or unreadable vote selections. We are targeting Tuesday afternoon to begin processing provisional ballots, but this date may change depending on final preparations for processing provisional ballots (all rosters must be reconciled and vote-by-mail ballots must be processed).
Our next results update will occur at 5 p.m. on Monday and will continue each weekday at 5 p.m.