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Behind the Scenes
of Orange County Elections

107,053: Number of Orange County voters who have not voted in past four years

April 2, 2016 - As a part of our on-going, critical voter maintenance, we have identified nearly 108,000 voters who have not cast a single ballot in the past four years. This means that they missed a presidential primary, presidential general, governor's primary and governor's general election.

Under federal law these voters are moved to "inactive" status, which means that they will no longer appear as "active" voters and will not be mailed voting materials.  However, we have mailed each of these voters post cards attempting to confirm their address and giving them the opportunity to confirm that they would like to remain "active". This helps to keep the voter rolls as clean as possible, and more importantly never "cancels" or "purges" these voters from the voter database - it simply puts them into a holding pattern until they "re-activate" by voting in the upcoming election.

Curious about the party breakdowns of this group of voters? Democrat = 34,006, Republican = 32,398, No Party Preference ("Decline to State") = 34,192, American Independent = 3,671. The rest are made up of minor parties.