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Public Notice

Public Notice

Observation Schedule for June 7, 2022 Statewide Direct Primary Election

SANTA ANA, CA – May 4, 2022 – The public is invited to observe as the Orange County Registrar of Voters conducts the June 7, 2022 Statewide Direct Primary Election.

The start date for significant election activities are listed below. Daily election activities are posted and updated on an observation calendar on the Registrar of Voters website – www.ocvote.gov/observe.

Start Date/Time

Observable Election Activity

May 6, 2022

10:00 a.m.

Pre-Election Logic and Accuracy Test

Accuracy testing of Orange County’s voting system will start with the preparation of nearly 400 test ballots and will continue until all devices have been included in the test. It is expected that scanning of the test ballots will commence on Tuesday, May 10 at 9:00 a.m.

May 10, 2022

1:00 p.m.

Processing of Mail Ballots

Mail ballot processing includes sorting, signature verification, collection and return operations, and duplication of the official ballots.

May 17, 2022

10:00 a.m.

Counting of Mail Ballots

Mail ballots accepted for counting are scanned. The votes on the scanned ballots may not be tabulated by the voting system, accessed by Registrar of Voters staff, or released until 8:00 p.m. on Tuesday, June 7.

May 28, 2022

8 a.m.

Vote Centers Open

Forty-three Vote Centers open throughout the county to serve voters daily. An additional 138 Vote Centers will open Saturday, on June 4. All 181 Vote Centers will be open through 8:00 p.m. on Tuesday, June 7. Processing of Conditional Voter Registrations and provisional ballots can begin.

June 7, 2022

After 8 p.m.

Tabulation of Vote Center Ballots

The votes from ballots cast at Vote Centers will be tabulated by the voting system and continues until complete.

June 8, 2022

10:00 a.m.

Official Canvass

During the Official Canvass, the Registrar of Voters continues to process mail ballots; accounts for all ballots that were issued, voted, and those that were not used; and completes audits. The canvass must be completed no later than Thursday, July 7.

June 9, 2022

11:00 a.m.

One Percent Manual Tally

Ballots from at least 1% of all precincts will be randomly selected at this time. It is expected that the hand counting of those ballots to verify the votes tabulated by the voting system software will commence on Friday, June 17.

June 10, 2022

11:00 a.m.

Risk Limiting Audit

Election contests to be included in the Risk Limiting Audit as well as the randomly selected seed number of at least 20 digits to select ballots will be determined at this time. It is expected that the hand counting of those ballots to verify the votes tabulated by the voting system software will commence on Friday, June 17.

June 17, 2022

8:00 a.m.

Post-Election Logic and Accuracy Test

The scanning of test ballots on all voting system devices will commence to confirm that the system is still tabulating votes accurately.



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선거관리국 안내:
선거관리국은 1백9십만 등록 유권자를 보유하여 미국 내에서 다섯 번 째로 큰 선거 관할권인 오렌지 카운티에서 선거를 실시하는 일을 담당합니다. 저희는 카운티의 일반 기금으로부터 자금을 지원받으며, 연방 정부와 캘리포니아 주 및 지역 관할권에서 정기적인 환급을 받는 카운티 기관입니다. 더 읽어보기 >>

미디어 연락처:
Enedina Chhim (에네디나 침)
커뮤니티 아웃리치 매니저

[email protected]

오렌지 카운티 선거관리국

편집자 참고 사항: 추가 정보를 원하시면 소개 페이지를 방문하시거나 선거관리국 미디어 지원팀에 714-567-5197로 전화하십시오.