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Registrar of Voters Set to Kick Off Early In-Person Voting

Registrar of Voters Set to Kick Off Early In-Person Voting

Vote Centers offer voters opportunities to cast their ballot early – including on Saturdays and Sundays

SANTA ANA, CA – October 14, 2016 – The Orange County Registrar of Voters is set to begin early in-person voting for the November 8, 2016 Presidential General Election at six Vote Center locations throughout Orange County. These convenient Vote Centers will operate from October 29 thru November 7, 2016.

“Vote centers will provide full-service voting to Orange County voters prior to Election Day,” said Neal Kelley, Orange County Registrar of Voters.

“The City of Irvine is pleased to partner with the Registrar of Voters in providing expanded election services to both residents and visitors,” said Molly McLaughlin, City Clerk.  “ Providing weekend voting opportunities is an outstanding example of the evolution of voter outreach in our community.”

“Anaheim is proud to be part of this County-driven effort which extends the number of days, including weekends to potential voters. We recognize that people have busy schedules and Vote Center provides the kind of flexibility we need,” said Linda Andal, Anaheim City Clerk.

“The City of Mission Viejo is honored to be one of the first sites in Orange County to host a Voting Center, which will provide our residents and those in nearby communities with a convenient service that has never been available before,” said City Clerk Karen Hamman. “Registered voters will have the chance to cast their ballots early and in person and avoid the rush of Election Day.”

Casting a ballot early is suitable to many voters that do not wish to vote-by-mail, but cannot make it to their polling place on Election Day. The Registrar of Voters has partnered with cities of Anaheim, Irvine and Mission Viejo as well as the Westminster Branch Library and the Costa Mesa Neighborhood Community Center to offer these early voting services for the upcoming election.  Drive-thru ballot drop off will also be offered at select locations.

In addition, early in-person voting will also be taking place at the Registrar of Voters' office. For a complete list of services, locations, dates and times you may visit the Orange County Registrar of Voters' website at ocvote.gov/votecenter.


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[email protected]

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