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Registrar of Voters Releases Customer Service Results for June 2016 Primary Election

Registrar of Voters Releases Customer Service Results for June 2016 Primary Election

Comparative data now available for elections from 2009 to 2016 including newly acquired polling place experience data

SANTA ANA, CA - In advance of the November 8th election the Orange County Registrar of Voters released results today of several customer service surveys taken during the June Presidential Primary Election held on June 7, 2016. 

During the Presidential Primary Election cycle extensive surveys were used to gather data on 12 levels of service provided by the Registrar of Voters. Results from the 12 surveys indicate that the Registrar of Voters continues to provide quality service to voters, poll workers and polling place hosts. The data largely confirms that the continual changes implemented in past elections have effectively streamlined and improved election operations. The report details the methodology used, results of the survey, and items identified for additional follow up.

In a first the Registrar of Voters implemented polling place surveys, engaging with voters throughout Orange County to survey their opinion on their Election Day experience. A summary of their feedback includes:

  • 98.6% of voters surveyed had a good or excellent overall experience at the polls
  • 78.7% of voters surveyed voted utilizing an electronic voting machine
  • 96.2% of provisional voters surveyed had a good or excellent overall experience
  • 15% of voters surveyed dropped off a vote-by-mail ballot at the polls

Additional surveys include (but are not limited to) poll worker training, poll worker experiences on Election Day, equipment delivery to polling places, voter interaction with our office, education programs, candidate filing and poll worker customer service.

The Registrar of Voters will release the results of its current survey collection from the November 8th election in early 2017.

A copy of the June 2016 Primary Election survey report can be viewed here.


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미디어 연락처:
Enedina Chhim (에네디나 침)
커뮤니티 아웃리치 매니저

[email protected]

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