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Registrar of Voters Releases First-Ever Voter Data Trends Report

Registrar of Voters Releases First-Ever Voter Data Trends Report

Report offers unique insight into the most significant changes among Orange County's voters.

SANTA ANA, CA - The Registrar of Voters released the inaugural 2018 Voter Data Trends Report today with voter data spanning the years 2004 - 2018. The report is based on voter data maintained by the agency, which provides insights into the changing behaviors of Orange County's voters.

Key Facts:

  • There are more voters in Orange County than in 18 other U.S. states.
  • Baby Boomers' participation in elections continues to increase while the Silent Generation decreases. 
  • 25% of voters have only participated in 1 to 2 elections.
  • No Party Preference voters make up 27% of the current registration, up 3% in less than a year.
  • Voters are abandoning polling places - usage has dropped 20% on average.
  • Provisional ballots cast in 2004 was 1 in 100, now they represent 1 in 10.

Quote by Registrar of Voters Neal Kelley:

"Orange County voter demographics have shifted over the past 14 years - and their voting tendencies and behaviors have changed as well". He continued, "Our Voter Data Trends report offers unique insight into the most significant changes".

Access Full Report Here:

2018 Voter Data Trends Report.


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미디어 연락처:
Enedina Chhim (에네디나 침)
커뮤니티 아웃리치 매니저

[email protected]

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