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Registrar of Voters Releases First-Ever Voter Data Trends Report

Registrar of Voters Releases First-Ever Voter Data Trends Report

Report offers unique insight into the most significant changes among Orange County's voters.

SANTA ANA, CA - The Registrar of Voters released the inaugural 2018 Voter Data Trends Report today with voter data spanning the years 2004 - 2018. The report is based on voter data maintained by the agency, which provides insights into the changing behaviors of Orange County's voters.

Key Facts:

  • There are more voters in Orange County than in 18 other U.S. states.
  • Baby Boomers' participation in elections continues to increase while the Silent Generation decreases. 
  • 25% of voters have only participated in 1 to 2 elections.
  • No Party Preference voters make up 27% of the current registration, up 3% in less than a year.
  • Voters are abandoning polling places - usage has dropped 20% on average.
  • Provisional ballots cast in 2004 was 1 in 100, now they represent 1 in 10.

Quote by Registrar of Voters Neal Kelley:

"Orange County voter demographics have shifted over the past 14 years - and their voting tendencies and behaviors have changed as well". He continued, "Our Voter Data Trends report offers unique insight into the most significant changes".

Access Full Report Here:

2018 Voter Data Trends Report.


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Sobre el Registro Electoral:
El Registro Electoral es responsable de llevar a cabo las elecciones en el Condado de Orange, la quinta jurisdicción electoral más grande de los Estados Unidos con 1.8 millones de votantes registrados. Somos una agencia del Condado, que recibe fondos del Fondo General del Condado y reembolsos periódicos del gobierno federal, el Estado de California y las jurisdicciones locales. Leer más >>

Contactos para Medios de Comunicación:
Enedina Chhim
Gerente de Enlance Comunitario

[email protected]




Registro Electoral del Condado de Orange

NOTA PARA EDITORES: Para obtener información adicional, visita la página Sobre Nosotros o llama a la línea de ayuda para medios de comunicación del Registro Electoral al 714-567-5197.