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Orange County, CA Elections Certifies General Election Results

Orange County, CA Elections Certifies General Election Results

The Orange County 2020 Presidential General Election had the highest turnout in a Presidential Election since 1964

SANTA ANA, CA – November 25, 2020 – Registrar of Voters Neal Kelley has just certified the official results of the November Presidential General Election, held on Tuesday, November 3, 2020.

Total turnout from the election was 87.3% with 83% of voters casting the official ballot they received through the mail and 17% casting their ballot in-person at one of 168 Vote Centers throughout Orange County. The ballots cast for the 2020 Presidential General (1,546,570) was 25% higher than the 2016 Presidential General Election (1,239,405) and 36% higher than the 2012 Presidential General Election (1,133,204). 

Prior to certification two audits were conducted to verify the correct outcomes of the election. The legally required one percent manual tally of precincts was completed. During the audit, 53,163 ballots were examined and manually tallied among 63 precincts chosen at random and then compared with the election results that were produced.

While not legally required, a risk-limiting ballot comparison audit (with a risk limit that was set at 5%, which means that there was a 95% chance that the audit would correct an incorrect outcome) was also conducted. 2,402 ballots were examined and compared to the original cast vote record in the risk-limiting audit with 0 discrepancies. Details on the audits can be found at ocvote.com/rla.

The Orange County Registrar of Voters also produces detailed reports focusing on overall turnout, turnout by precinct, turnout by districts, turnout by cities, and more. These detailed reports can be found by visiting ocvote.com/detailed-results.


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