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Behind the Scenes
of Orange County Elections

May 28, 2016 - We've been detailing for some time now about the facts surrounding NPP voters (how are poll workers are actually trained, what options and rights NPP voters have, etc.). So how are we prepared for NPP voters requesting crossover ballots? We are one of only two counties in California that can use electronic voting equipment, which means that there is an infinite supply of ballots in the polling place.
If an NPP requests a crossover ballot (and they are currently registered AND in the correct polling place) they will NOT be given a provisional ballot - instead they will be provided a crossover ballot for the party they choose. These ballots, other than being called crossover, are like any other ballot and voted the same way.
What if a voter prefers a paper ballot? We have those too - in fact we have printed three times as many paper crossover ballots as compared to our regular paper back up ballots. California law requires that counties provide "5 %" of the total registration in a polling place as paper back ups - we are providing nearly 30%. Thank you for taking the time to become informed.