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Orange County's Voting Tip of the Day: Wait! That's not how I registered!


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of Orange County Elections

Orange County's Voting Tip of the Day: Wait! That's not how I registered!

May 2, 2016 - So you received your sample ballot in today's mail - you turn it over and you discover that your party registration is not how you remember registering. It happens periodically and many times we find that voters did in fact register one way, but remember another (we can look up the original digital copy of your voter registration to determine how you marked the form). Nevertheless, it may be that you intended to register with another party - not to worry. You have until May 23rd to change your registration and request a new ballot. Start with our online voter registration tool and re-register - it will take just a few minutes and you'll be set. Need more help? Give us a call (8am - 5pm) at 714-567-7600 - you'll be answered by a live operator!