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Orange County Registrar of Voters Partners with District Attorney for Election Day Support

Orange County Registrar of Voters Partners with District Attorney for Election Day Support

Election Day operational planning underway to ensure a smooth voting experience for all voters

SANTA ANA, CA – In an effort to ensure a smooth experience for voters on Election Day, the Registrar of Voters has developed a comprehensive field response system to address any Election Day issues. Election officials are positioned throughout the County on Election Day and can respond to incidents in any polling place. This response system has been in place since 2006. 

The Orange County District Attorney (OCDA) is looking forward to working with the Registrar of Voters for the November 8th election. The OCDA will respond and assist with any reported criminal violations of the California Elections Code, which governs the conduct of elections, polling place operations, and election observation. 

“The legitimacy of the election process is critical, and we are working closely with the District Attorney to safeguard the electoral process,” said Neal Kelley, Registrar of Voters. “Ensuring the smooth operation of the voting process, for voters and observers, is one of our primary concerns.” 

“Integrity of elections is at the core of our democracy and freedom, and the OCDA will work with the Registrar of Voters to achieve that,” stated DA Tony Rackauckas. 

Individuals who knowingly challenge a person's right to vote without probable cause or on fraudulent or spurious grounds, or who engages in mass, indiscriminate, and groundless challenging of voters solely for the purpose of preventing voters from voting or to delay the process of voting, or who fraudulently advises any person that he or she is not eligible to vote or is not registered to vote when in fact that person is eligible or is registered, are in violation of California election laws.

Members of the public have the right to ask questions and are encouraged to contact onsite elections officials about election procedures when necessary, and observe the election process. The Registrar of Voters has published a thorough Election Observation guide for the public, which details the laws and regulations surrounding polling place observation. This publication can be found by visiting ocvote.gov/election-library.

Voters can call 714-567-7600 on Election Day to report any polling place issues.


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Enedina Chhim (에네디나 침)
커뮤니티 아웃리치 매니저

[email protected]

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