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30 Days of Data to Change How Election Data is Visualized

30 Days of Data to Change How Election Data is Visualized

30 Days of Data will help users understand Orange County’s voter data through the use of data storyboards.

SANTA ANA, CA - The Registrar of Voters announced today a new initiative titled 30 Days of Data in advance of the June 5, 2018 Primary Election. 30 Days of Data is a data visualization platform that helps users understand the complex nature of Orange County’s voter data through the use of data storyboards.

Quote by Registrar of Voters Neal Kelley

"Access to voter data -- and ways to make sense of that information -- is essential to understanding elections and how they function in the 5th largest voting jurisdiction in the country”. He continued, “30 Days of Data sets a new standard for election data, bringing to life the rich stories that our data can tell.”

About 30 Days of Data

30 Days of Data will give users the ability to visualize key topics through maps, charts, narratives and graphs that will reveal connections between voters, demographics, and other forms of election data. A new storyboard will be released everyday, beginning on Sunday, May 6, 2018 and continuing through Monday, June 4, 2018. Large amounts of voter data by itself can be a confusing collection of numbers and characters. 30 Days of Data will take a storytelling approach to put “big” voter data in context.

Sample of 30 Days of Data Storyboards

  • Overseas Ballot Destinations
  • Vote-by-Mail Use Over Time
  • Party Changes Over Time
  • Historic Ballot Gallery
  • Vote-by-Mail Turnout
  • Registered Voter Distribution
  • Active Voting Districts
  • Growth of New Voters
  • Inactive Voter Distribution
  • Early Voter and Voter Center Usage
  • Voter Travel Distance to Polling Places
  • Provisional Voting
  • Candidate Distribution
  • Language Requests
  • Voter Trends – Age of Voter

How to Access 30 Days of Data

Each day, beginning on Sunday, May 6, 2018, a new “day” of data will be unlocked, revealing unique storylines and visualizations. Users can access 30 Days of Data by visiting ocvote.gov/30. Once each day is unlocked we will announce via Twitter (@ocregistrar) and Facebook (facebook.com/OCROV).

The 30 Days of Data website can be viewed here.


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미디어 연락처:
Enedina Chhim (에네디나 침)
커뮤니티 아웃리치 매니저

[email protected]

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