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Poll Workers Needed for 2018 June Primary Election

Poll Workers Needed for 2018 June Primary Election

A 2016 increase in volunteer stipend is an incentive to potential volunteers.

SANTA ANA, CA – The Orange County Registrar of Voters is in need of poll workers throughout Orange County. Election Day is June 5, 2018 and hundreds of poll workers are still needed as Inspectors and Clerks. As long as an individual is registered to vote in California they are eligible to volunteer in Orange County.

The Polling Place Inspector has the responsibility of overseeing the Election Day operations at an assigned polling place. This includes managing and working with poll workers assigned to the polling place, coordination of site access, picking up supplies, setting up equipment, assisting and processing voters, completing the closing procedures, and transporting the results and supplies to a collection center on Election Night. The stipend for serving as a Polling Place Inspector is $160.00. A training course is required and are offered throughout Orange County. 

The Polling Place Clerk has the responsibility to assist the Inspector in the polling place operations. This includes setting up equipment and supplies, assisting and processing voters, and assisting in the closing procedures. Individuals are needed who are bilingual in Chinese, Korean, Spanish or Vietnamese, which is required under federal law. The stipend for service as a Polling Place Clerk is $120.00. A training course is required and are offered throughout Orange County. 

Interested individuals can volunteer by calling 714-954-1901 or visiting ocvote.gov/volunteer.


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미디어 연락처:
Enedina Chhim (에네디나 침)
커뮤니티 아웃리치 매니저

[email protected]

오렌지 카운티 선거관리국

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