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Orange County, CA Elections to Host Public Hearing on Draft Election Administration Plan

Orange County, CA Elections to Host Public Hearing on Draft Election Administration Plan

The public hearing will go over draft operational and outreach plans during the transition to the vote center model of voting and elections.

SANTA ANA, CA – The Registrar of Voters will be hosting a public meeting to present its draft Election Administration Plan (EAP), which is the plan that will be used to implement Vote Centers in Orange County, on Thursday, August 29, 2019 at 6:00 p.m. at the Orange County Department of Education.

Starting with the March 3, 2020 Presidential Primary Election, every registered voter in Orange County will receive a vote-by-mail ballot and will have the option to vote in person at any Vote Center in the County across a 11-day period, including Election Day. The Orange County Registrar of Voters scheduled 28 vote center workshops throughout the County in June and July 2019 for members of the public to share their feedback on operations, outreach, and potential locations.

The feedback provided has been analyzed and incorporated into the draft Election Administration Plan which outlines election operations and outreach plans during the transition to the vote center model. The draft Election Administration Plan has been published at ocvote.gov/votecenter and includes translations of the Election Administration Plan in the languages supported in Orange County per federal law.

Quote by Registrar of Voters Neal Kelley:

"The public is invited to review the draft Election Administration Plan and attend the public hearing,” said Neal Kelley, Registrar of Voters. “The Orange County Registrar of Voters values input from the community and looks forward to successfully administering elections in the vote center model.”

Orange County Registrar of Voters public meeting presenting its draft Election Administration Plan

Orange County Department of Education, Board Meeting Room, 200 Kalmus Dr, Costa Mesa, CA

Thursday, August 29, 2019, 6:00 p.m. 

The public meeting will be live streamed at ocvote.gov.

Language assistance will be available at the public hearing in Spanish, Vietnamese, Chinese, and Korean. If you require accommodations at a meeting you plan on attending, please call 714-567-5106 for assistance.

For more information and a calendar of upcoming Vote Center events visit ocvote.gov/votecenter.


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Enedina Chhim (에네디나 침)
커뮤니티 아웃리치 매니저

[email protected]

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