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of Orange County Elections
Not all voters can vote for president in the presidential primary. What should you do?

April 23, 2016 - What used to be called “party affiliation” is now called “party preference” according to California law. If you did not choose a political party when you registered to vote, you are a No Party Preference voter, or NPP for short (previously known as “Decline-to-State”). If you fall into this category you have three choices for the upcoming June 7th election:
- If you do nothing you will receive a non-partisan ballot (that does not contain president or county central committee contests)
- You can choose to receive a Democratic, Libertarian or American Independent ballot (Republicans have chosen to keep their primary closed to registered Republicans only)
- If you prefer a Republican, Green or Peace and Freedom ballot re-register prior to May 23rd!
If you do not normally receive a ballot in the mail for every election you can apply online now and make your choices! Plan ahead before voting and make it easy on yourself!