Election NewsClicks
Behind the Scenes
of Orange County Elections

November 19, 2016 - As of this morning we have approximately 92,484 ballots left to count. Here's the breakdown of those ballots:
Vote-by-mail ballots: 2,277
Vote-by-mail ballots dropped off at polls: 5,227
Provisional ballots: 83,376
Election Day paper ballots: 1,342
Late eligible ballots: 262
The vast majority of paper ballots left are in two categories:
1. Needing duplication (the ballot was damaged and could not be scanned, it was a military ballot voted on a Federal Write-in Absentee Ballot, or there are extraneous identifying marks on the ballot)
2. They are orphan ballots and must be matched with the missing page
The bulk of ballots left are provisional ballots - these ballots have been sorted by cities (not districts within cities) and Assembly and Senate districts. We are currently working on the 29th Senate District race and the 49th Congressional District race. As of last night we have about 11,000 provisional ballots remaining in the 29th SD and 5,200 in the 49th CD. Our operations will continue today with our next update scheduled for 5pm on Monday.