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Orange County Election Data Brief: Early in-person voting sets records last night!


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Orange County Election Data Brief: Early in-person voting sets records last night!

November 8, 2016 - in the last three days of early in-person voting we saw gains of 9% over 2012. Sites reported brisk business until we closed, which was 8 p.m. last night. Scores of people showed up to cast their ballot ahead of Election Day - with Irvine leading the pack (1,003) followed by Mission Viejo (852) and Anaheim (548). Sunday was actually the busiest day overall - here is the breakdown of the last three days of early in-person voting:

  • Irvine 11/5/16 = 680
  • Irvine 11/6/16 = 976
  • Irvine 11/7/16 = 1,003
  • Mission Viejo 11/5/16 = 852
  • Mission Viejo 11/5/16 =894
  • Mission Viejo 11/5/16 =749
  • Anaheim 11/5/16 = 548
  • Anaheim 11/6/16 = 603
  • Anaheim = 11/7/16 = 741
  • Westminster 11/5/16 = 462
  • Westminster 11/6/16 = 510
  • Westminster 11/7/16 = 682
  • Costa Mesa 11/5/16 = 402
  • Costa Mesa 11/6/16 = 436
  • Costa Mesa 11/7/16 = 668 
  • Total early in-person in Santa Ana = 8,698