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Extension of Notice of Intention Period for the June 7, 2016 Presidential Primary Election

Extension of Notice of Intention Period for the June 7, 2016 Presidential Primary Election

Judicial office filing extensions applies to three contests

SANTA ANA, CA - The Registrar of Voters announced today that the Notice of Intention (judicial offices of the Superior Court) filing period for the June 7, 2016 Presidential Primary Election has been extended until February 16, 2016, 5:00 p.m. for the judicial offices listed below. These contests are extended due to the incumbents failing to file a Notice of Intention by the February 10, 2016, 5:00 p.m. deadline.
The offices are:

Judge of the Superior Court, Office No. 3
Judge of the Superior Court, Office No. 40
Judge of the Superior Court, Office No. 49

Any qualified person, other than the incumbent, can now file the Notice of Intention until February 16, 2016, 5:00 p.m., in the office of the Registrar of Voters, 1300 South Grand Avenue, Building C, Santa Ana. Business hours are 8:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m.

For assistance with candidate filing, members of the public may call 714-567-7600, press option "0" and ask for "Candidate and Voter Services", Monday through Friday, 8 a.m. to 5 p.m.


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Sobre el Registro Electoral:
El Registro Electoral es responsable de llevar a cabo las elecciones en el Condado de Orange, la quinta jurisdicción electoral más grande de los Estados Unidos con 1.8 millones de votantes registrados. Somos una agencia del Condado, que recibe fondos del Fondo General del Condado y reembolsos periódicos del gobierno federal, el Estado de California y las jurisdicciones locales. Leer más >>

Contactos para Medios de Comunicación:
Enedina Chhim
Gerente de Enlance Comunitario

[email protected]




Registro Electoral del Condado de Orange

NOTA PARA EDITORES: Para obtener información adicional, visita la página Sobre Nosotros o llama a la línea de ayuda para medios de comunicación del Registro Electoral al 714-567-5197.