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Orange County Registrar of Voters Releases 2016 Voting Rights Act Compliance Update

Orange County Registrar of Voters Releases 2016 Voting Rights Act Compliance Update

Agency releases biennial report detailing extensive and on-going Voting Rights Act compliance programs

SANTA ANA, CA - The Orange County Registrar of Voters released their 2016 biennial Voting Rights Act Compliance and Bilingual Outreach report today. 

The report presents a thorough picture of the Registrar of Voters' Community Outreach Program, including their compliance with the federal Voting Rights Act. A unique report among election officials, this 2016 updated report focuses on progress made since we published our first report in 2010. The report is designed for any citizen or group interested in outreach efforts in Orange County elections. 

The Registrar of Voters details the federal requirements, provides insight into the Department's approach to meeting the requirements and provides profiles of Orange County's diverse communities with demographic data compiled during the 2010 U.S. Census. This year's report also features individual members of the community - sharing their stories of how the Voting Rights Act has benefited their voting experiences.

The Registrar of Voters has surpassed an all-time record in 2016 by creating and attending more than 120 voting outreach events, reaching thousands of citizens in advance of the Presidential Election. In addition to providing outreach, the Registrar of Voters provides election materials and bilingual assistance in mandated languages in order to comply with the Act.

A copy of the 2016 updated Voting Rights Act Compliance Report can be viewed here.

A detailed press kit can be viewed here.


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Sobre el Registro Electoral:
El Registro Electoral es responsable de llevar a cabo las elecciones en el Condado de Orange, la quinta jurisdicción electoral más grande de los Estados Unidos con 1.8 millones de votantes registrados. Somos una agencia del Condado, que recibe fondos del Fondo General del Condado y reembolsos periódicos del gobierno federal, el Estado de California y las jurisdicciones locales. Leer más >>

Contactos para Medios de Comunicación:
Enedina Chhim
Gerente de Enlance Comunitario

[email protected]




Registro Electoral del Condado de Orange

NOTA PARA EDITORES: Para obtener información adicional, visita la página Sobre Nosotros o llama a la línea de ayuda para medios de comunicación del Registro Electoral al 714-567-5197.